Ian O’Doherty, columnist with the Irish Independent, joins us in studio for News and a Natter today. Tune in to hear his thoughts on the stories of the day.
At 2 o’clock, was communism doomed to fail? We speak to Anne Applebaum, author of ““Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956”
At 2.20 Henry McKean speaks to some breast feeding mothers.
At 2.35 what will eventually wipe out the human race? Science writer David Quammen joins us to talk about “Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic”
At 2.45, why does everything taste like chicken? If you’ve always wondered this, then listen up, because we finally have the answer!
It’s time for our regular parenting slot at 3 o’clock. Remember you can text your parenting questions to 53106 (Texts cost 30 cent)
At 3.35, we speak to a man who makes his money writing college papers for students.
Mairead Lavery will be live in studio at 3.45 for her regular farming slot.
And at 4 o’clock, what really caused World War One?
For all this and more, Moncrieff, 1.30-4.30, Monday to Friday.