A farmer in Co. Kildare is to be forced from the home where generations of his family have lived, after losing a High Court action aimed at stopping the Industrial Development Authority from enforcing a compulsory purchase order on the land.
The 18th century house and surrounding 72 acres is beside the Carton House Estate and Intel at Blakestown in Maynooth.
Last year, the IDA imposed a CPO on the property after its owner Thomas Reid declined an offer to sell up the land for development.
The 51-year-old sought a court review of the order claiming his Constitutional rights were breached and that the inquiry process that led to the IDA decision to compulsorily purchase the lands was flawed.
He has lost his case on all grounds. The court has found Mr. Reid was given the fullest opportunity to put forward his concerns at a hearing in July 2012.
Mr. Justice John Hedigan said the court has been 'driven to the conclusion that the national interest must outweigh the individual'.
In his ruling, he notes there was evidence that the lands in question, located in the so-called M4 corridor, are of 'national and economic importance to Ireland in the struggle to win further foreign direct investment. The judge continues: 'the need, never greater, to increase employment and generate business demands that many sacrifices be made'.
Mr. Justice Hedigan acknowledges that the burden, in this case, falls heavily on Thomas Reid and he expresses sympathy for the situation the farmer now finds himself in.
The 72 acres are beside Intel but the court was told that a specific industrial development plan for the lands is not in place. The IDA says it is prepared to give the farmer time to vacate the property.