
Coveney: Any fraud over horse meat controversy will be exposed

The Agriculture Minister says if there is fraudulent activity behind the horse meat controversy i...

16.53 5 Feb 2013

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Coveney: Any fraud over horse...

Coveney: Any fraud over horse meat controversy will be exposed


16.53 5 Feb 2013

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The Agriculture Minister says if there is fraudulent activity behind the horse meat controversy it will be fully exposed.

Simon Coveney made the remarks at a hearing of the Joint Committee on Agriculture in Leinster House this afternoon.

Burger production at 2 plants - Silvercrest and Rangeland - has been suspended after the detection of equine DNA.


Minister Coveney says the investigations show all implicated raw material ingredients are labelled as Polish products.

He says significant resources have been deployed including the Garda Fraud Bureau to investigate the incidents.


Speaking on his way into Government Buildings this morning the Taoiseach Enda Kenny said the issue has to be sorted out because it is a matter of reputation.

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