
COVID Inquiry before general election 'a very tight window'

Taoiseach Simon Harris confirmed the terms of reference for a COVID Inquiry could be finalised in the coming weeks
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.22 4 Jun 2024

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COVID Inquiry before general e...

COVID Inquiry before general election 'a very tight window'

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.22 4 Jun 2024

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A COVID Inquiry into the State's handling of the pandemic before the next general election would be 'a very tight window', a journalist has said.

Taoiseach Simon Harris confirmed the terms of reference into the review could be finalised in the coming weeks.

It comes after a new report from the Society of Actuaries in Ireland found 1,100 excess deaths in 2020 and 2021.


Mr Harris said steps to establishing the review are ongoing.

"I very much welcome the fact that today we're seeing some data being published from the Society of Actuaries that's showing the benefit in terms of life-saving decisions that were made by the Irish Government, and more importantly by the people of Ireland, in terms of their compliance with public health advice," he said.

"It is the intention of Government to hold a review and we expect to be in a position to finalise those terms of reference in the coming weeks."

Daily Mail Group Executive Editor John Lee told The Hard Shoulder the timeframe means it would be a very fast inquiry.

"[Simon Harris] must be sure of one thing that nobody else is: that the general election isn't going to happen until next March," he said.

"Otherwise it's going to be one of the shortest, succinct inquiries in the history of the State.

"This was, as one looks back at it, probably the greatest challenge in the history of the State on every front - sociologically, economically, as a health challenge.

"It would seem to me to be an extraordinarily truncated inquiry that they're planning on having."

COVID Inquiry in 'very tight window'

Mr Lee said the budget later this year could see the coalition on shaky ground.

"Simon Harris and Micheál Martin have both stressed that they expect the general election to occur at the legal limit of the Government, which is next March," he said.

"I'm not one who has always disagreed with that possibility.

"But there is also the possibility that come October after the budget there will be a series of motions of confidence in the Government from the opposition benches.

"It would be very difficult then to see it sustained - so be it - but even then I think it's a very, very tight window."

'A solid figure'

Mr Lee said it would be hard to quantify the number of excess deaths from the pandemic.

"As far as I remember different jurisdictions had a wholly different way of calculating excess deaths," he said.

"When we can't even get a solid figure here on it, it's very hard to then compare yourself - if that's the measure - to other nation's performance during COVID when they calculate excess deaths in a different fashion.

"Nevertheless I would feel that we have had quick enough, seamless inquiries in this country - like the Banking Inquiry."

Mr Lee added that looking at the 'diary' in Leinster House - between the upcoming local elections and a summer break - "I really struggle to see what kind of inquiry we're going to have at all between now and next March".

Former Fine Gael minister and broadcaster Ivan Yates has said he believes Ireland is heading for a general election in November.

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Main image: A woman puts on a facemask to protect from COVID-19 in March 2020. Picture by: Helen Sessions / Alamy

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COVID-19 Pandemic COVID Inquiry General Election Ireland John Lee Simon Harris Society Of Actuaries In Ireland The Hard Shoulder

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