
Croke Park residents say 'battle lines are drawn' over Garth gigs

The battle lines are being drawn in a row between Croke Park residents and the GAA. The dispute i...

11.00 17 Feb 2014

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Croke Park residents say &...

Croke Park residents say 'battle lines are drawn' over Garth gigs


11.00 17 Feb 2014

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The battle lines are being drawn in a row between Croke Park residents and the GAA. The dispute is over the staging of five Garth Brooks concerts which is in breach of an agreement to only hold three events a year.

Residents held a meeting over the weekend to galvanise the community in a bid to stop the concerts from going ahead.

Locals say they have not been consulted about the shows and that only three have been agreed. Dublin north inner-city Councillor Neil Ring said last week that residents are willing to take action against the gigs.


"For the five Garth Brooks concerts they have to apply to Dublin City Council for an events licence" he said.

"Myself and my fellow councilors in the central area which surrounds Croke Park voted unanimously on Tuesday that we would object to the licence, unless the residents and business interests and all stakeholders were happy with what the GAA were proposing to do on those nights" he added.

Speaking in Cork last Thursday, promoter Peter Aiken confirmed talks took place between the two sides but he was remaining "tight lipped" about the outcome.

Chairman of the Croke Park Streets Committees Association is Eamon O'Brien. He says agreements have been broken and they are now considering their options.

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