
Cross-border investigation after car stolen in Belfast with young woman inside

The PSNI received a report that a vehicle was stolen in Belfast on Saturday with a female passenger still in the car
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

14.02 29 Sep 2024

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Cross-border investigation aft...

Cross-border investigation after car stolen in Belfast with young woman inside

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

14.02 29 Sep 2024

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A man is being questioned in Dundalk after Gardaí and Police were alerted to a car being stolen in Belfast yesterday with a young woman still inside.

The PSNI received a report that a vehicle, which had been parked in the Botanic Avenue area of Belfast, had been stolen with a female passenger still in the car.

The PSNI said the car stopped in Lisburn where the girl escaped from the vehicle.


The car was seen a short time later driving over 160km/h on the A1 road.

Cross-border investigation after car stolen in Belfast with woman inside A Garda from the Roads Policing Unit carrying out a speeding checkpoint using his mobility device, 21-7-24. Image: X/@GardaTraffic

PSNI officers contacted Gardaí to inform them the vehicle was driving towards the border.

Gardaí located the car on the Newry Road in Dundalk at around 2.20am on Saturday and arrested a 25-year-old man.

The woman was not injured but left shaken by the ordeal.

The vehicle was seized by Gardaí and removed for technical examination.

Officers say investigations are ongoing.

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Belfast Car Stolen Cross-border Cross-border Investigation Dundalk Gardai Lisburn Newry Road PSNI Police

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