
‘Customers don’t feel safe’ – 96% of Dublin publicans concerned about policing

One in eight pubs Dublin pubs had to contact Gardaí ten or more times last year.
Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

21.35 24 Jul 2024

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‘Customers don’t feel safe’ –...

‘Customers don’t feel safe’ – 96% of Dublin publicans concerned about policing

Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

21.35 24 Jul 2024

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Punters “don’t feel safe” on a night out in Dublin, according to the CEO of the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA).

Donal O’Keefe said more Gardaí are needed on the streets, day and night, to improve people's perceptions of safety.

It comes as a new survey from the LVA shows that 96% of publicans are worried about policing levels in the capital.


The survey also found that one in eight pubs in Dublin had to contact Gardaí ten or more times last year.

'Customers don't feel safe'

Mr O’Keefe told Newstalk that something needs to be done.

“We are getting more complaints from customers who don't feel as safe as they did,” he said.

“That said, you know, the city is still very safe, it's just the perceptions that need to be improved.

“You know, as we repeatedly say, the solution here is more Gardaí.

“That makes customers feel safe, it's better for staff, it's better for tourists, it's just better for everybody.”

One in two Dublin publicans also said their customers have been concerned for their safety in the last year.

These pubs called Gardaí four times on average last year.

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Mr O’Keefe said things could improve.

“Dublin is still a relatively safe, a very safe city. We're just concerned that the high level of policing and high visibility policing prevents problems from emerging in the first place,” he said.

“A high Garda presence makes everybody automatically feel safer and that's what we want to ensure, that we have a safe, attractive, vibrant and energetic city centre.”

Dublin economy

He also said increased Garda numbers would improve the night-time economy of Dublin.

“We're clearly calling for more Gardaí on the street,” Mr O’Keefe told Newstalk.

“We're clearly calling for more Gardaí for the night-time economy.

“The Gardaí are doing an excellent job within the resources they have, but I think there's a clear and obvious need now for more Gardaí for our capital.”

Some 350 pubs across the capital took part in the LVA survey.

Reporting from Sheila Naughton. 

Main image: Garda ride through the Temple Bar area of Dublin

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