Christmas is just around the corner and it's time to get the last-minute shopping done - including the Christmas crackers.
The festive favourites will be adorning tables up and down the country, but where can you get the best value?
As the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite, Newstalk is here to show you the best ways to save on your bills.
Cut-the-Cost offers tips and advice on everything from broadband and streaming services, banking and even the best deals on Christmas food.
This week we're taking a deep dive into Christmas crackers.
Dunnes Stores
Christmas Crackers (Pack Of 6) €5.00
Christmas Crackers Mix (Pack of 8) €7.20
Brown Thomas
Celebration Crackers (Pack of 6) €50.00
Luxury Crackers (Pack of 6) €4.00
Joy Christmas Crackers (Pack of 12) €3.99
Marks & Spencer
Festive Crackers (Pack of 12) €20.00
Jiminy Crackers CEO Sharon Keilthy, which offers reusable and refillable crackers, said there are lots of options.
"They're sturdy cardboard and they're set up that you replace the snap everytime after you've used it," she said.
"You fill it with whatever you want yourself.
"I've used our set for three Christmases now, they're going into their fourth Christmas.
"In the past I have filled them with things like guessing game cards, jokes that my daughter wrote, photographs of happy memories, little puzzle pieces or more useful gifts that I knew my family would make use of".
Ms Keilthy said the crackers save on a lot of waste.
"They're plastic free and it means you not having to go out and buy [crackers] every year," she said.
"They're there with the Christmas decorations, stored year-to-year, so they avoid a lot waste".
"In Ireland, we estimate that about 10 million crackers are pulled every year.
"If we laid those end-to-end, they'd stretch from Ireland to the North Pole," she added.