
Dáil bike shed is a 'profound embarrassment' - Ceann Comhairle

Seán Ó Fearghaíl said it would have been “remiss” of him not to make a statement about the bike shelter - which he said was now “infamous”. 
James Wilson
James Wilson

16.43 18 Sep 2024

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Dáil bike shed is a 'profound...

Dáil bike shed is a 'profound embarrassment' - Ceann Comhairle

James Wilson
James Wilson

16.43 18 Sep 2024

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The cost of the Dáil bike shed is a “profound embarrassment”, the Ceann Comhairle has told TDs. 

It has been two weeks since the €336,000 structure hit the headlines but today is the first sitting of Dáil Éireann since the summer recess. 

Speaking to TDs, Seán Ó Fearghaíl said it would have been “remiss” of him not to make a statement about the bike shelter - which he said had become “infamous”. 


“The cost of which has been rightly criticised since it was disclosed,” he said. 

“Members of this House have received countless emails, texts and phone calls about the exorbitant cost of the shelter. 

“Nobody can understand how a simple structure to park bikes ended up costing €336,000 of taxpayers’ money. 

“I know that I speak for everyone in this house when I say it’s a profound embarrassment and the depth of public anger is entirely justified.” 

Deputy Ó Fearghaíl continued that TDs do “not get everything right” and that they “rightly” expect criticism. 

“However, we understand that taxpayers’ money must be spent prudently and carefully and we know how galling it is for those struggling to pay their bills to read about excessive expenditure of this nature on a bike shelter in Leinster House,” he said. 

“So, let me say that whatever the findings of the OPW’s review, lessons must be and will be learned. 

“There cannot be a repeat of such unwarranted and indefensible expenditure of taxpayers’ money.” 

Taoiseach Simon Harris has said the bike shelter’s cost is “inexcusable and inexplicable” and welcomed the OPW inquiry into it.

Main image: Split of the Ceann Comhairle and the Dáil bike shed. 

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