
Dead in the water? Dublin's white water rafting facility five years on

The Government refused €25m in funding to the white water rafting development after the cost of the plan received widespread criticism
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

17.56 14 Aug 2024

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Dead in the water? Dublin's wh...

Dead in the water? Dublin's white water rafting facility five years on

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

17.56 14 Aug 2024

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It has been five years since a white water rafting centre was approved - and subsequently scrapped - in Dublin city.

The attraction at George's Dock was to include state-of-the-art fast-water facilities and canoeing infrastructure when it was announced in August 2019.

In 2021 the Government refused to give €25m in funding to the controversial development.


Dublin City Council sought €19m for the white water rafting project from the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF).

whitewater An artist's impression of a white water rafting facility at George's Dock in Dublin. Image: YouTube/Smart Docklands

The cost of the plan, however, received widespread criticism.

The project was put 'on hold' in November 2021 due to "uncertainty around the external funding and the expected construction cost of the project".

Dublin City Council previously said it would expect the white water rafting facility to attract 30,000 people a year.

Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin Donna Cooney told The Hard Shoulder she'd welcome a lido deck instead.

"There's a lot of people now behind the campaign for an outdoor lido," she said.

"I know we're on a coast but it's tidal, there's jellyfish issues.

"I swim in the Clontarf Baths, I'm really lucky to be close to that.

"[Ireland's Olympic Gold Medalist] Daniel Wiffin's been down for a swim there as well.

"There's going to be so many more children who are interested in swimming".

Artist's interpretation of a lido deck at George's Dock in Dublin Artist's interpretation of a lido deck at George's Dock in Dublin. Image: Dublin City Council

Cllr Cooney said it would be great to have more outdoor options.

"Outdoors on a day like this in the sunshine, but it's also all year-round," she said.

"You pay €10 to go into the Clontarf outdoor pool but we're trying to encourage more sustainable tourism [for] people to come to Dublin and do outdoor pursuits.

"I look for where can I go swimming when I go to any city.

"The cities are getting hotter [and] on a day like this it would be lovely to get out and go for a [swim].

Cllr Cooney said outdoor pools can also be "sustainably" heated in the winter.

Plans for a white water rafting facility in the Dublin Docklands. Plans for a white water rafting facility in the Dublin Docklands. Image: Dublin Chamber

Labour Party Councillor Dermot Lacey told the show the original white water rafting facility did have support.

"It might surprise your listeners to know that the white water rafting facility was supported at a local community level, a local area committee level and at full city council level," he said.

"It wasn't until the naysayers got going that some of the previous supporters ran scared.

"It did represent to me a serious lack of vision and ambition of Dublin".

'Really small money'

Cllr Lacey said the price tag of €25 million should be looked at from a wider viewpoint.

"If you consider that in the context of the nation's finances that was really small money," he said.

"I actually don't mind what we do with George's Dock but we need to do something.

"Whether it's the lido, whether it's the white-water rafting facility or not... I will support an innovate development for that area.

"I just hope that some of those [people] who are constantly calling for something to be done don't run scared when the iron hits the fire.

"I don't believe money is a problem in Ireland; what is a problem is real political leadership," he added.

Cllr Lacey said new sporting and recreational facilities are needed for the capital.

Main image: Plans for a white water rafting facility in the Dublin Docklands. Image: Dublin Chamber

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Dermot Lacey Donna Cooney George's Dock Lido Lido Deck The Hard Shoulder White-water Rafting Centre White Water Rafting

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