
Decision on abortion legislation expected tomorrow

A Cabinet Minister says the coalition will reach a decision on abortion legislation tomorrow. Ric...

14.27 29 Apr 2013

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Decision on abortion legislati...

Decision on abortion legislation expected tomorrow


14.27 29 Apr 2013

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A Cabinet Minister says the coalition will reach a decision on abortion legislation tomorrow. Richard Bruton says the issue is divisive for communities and not just the Fine Gael party.

But he has declined to comment on the intervention of his brother into the debate today with former Taoiseach John Bruton saying suicide should not be included as a ground for a termination.

The head of Barnardos and former Labour Party advisor Fergus Finlay meanwhile says Enda Kenny will not thank John Bruton for his intervention in the row.


In an article in the Irish Independent today, Mr. Bruton argues that suicide should not be a ground for a termination and that he knows of no other area of law where a threat of suicide is grounds to make legal something that would otherwise be illegal.

Last night the Taoiseach appealed for calm and asked people to wait until the legislation is published before making judgment. Fergus Finlay says it is not up to former Taoisigh to lead the country to a decision on the legislation.

"John Bruton is no longer in the arena - Enda Kenny's in the middle of it, he has to fight the battle, he has to lead the country through a decision on a very, very difficult social issue. I doubt if he will be waking up this morning saying 'Gee, thanks for the advice John' - I think he will probably secretly be saying (that) former Taoisigh should be former Taoisigh and let me get on with my job".

"Although of course he won't say that publicly" he added.

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton says the government has to proceed and introduce legislation as dictated by the Supreme Court ruling.

While the Justice Minister says the Fine Gael parliamentary party will have a detailed discussion on the draft abortion legislation when it is published.

Alan Shatter says his colleagues will have an opportunity to collectively discuss all their concerns.

Separately a Fine Gael backbench TD wants the government to hold a referendum on abortion.

Brian Walsh has already indicated he will vote against any legislation that includes suicide as grounds for a termination.

He is the first government TD to definitively state he will vote against the proposed Bill. However reports suggest anywhere between 5 and 20 government TDs could rebel on this issue.

Deputy Walsh now wants the government to put the issue to the people and says he will be bound by the result of any referendum on abortion.

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