
Details of Ministerial trips for St. Patrick's Day announced

The number of government members travelling abroad for St. Patrick's Day events this year has inc...

10.37 13 Mar 2013

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Details of Ministerial trips f...

Details of Ministerial trips for St. Patrick's Day announced


10.37 13 Mar 2013

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The number of government members travelling abroad for St. Patrick's Day events this year has increased. The Taoiseach and 19 Ministers will take part in events in 21 countries as part of the "Promote Ireland" programme.

When the Fine Gael-Labour Government took in office 2 years ago the Ministerial travel for St. Patrick's Day was scaled back significantly. Just 8 Ministers and the Taoiseach took part in March 17th festivities outside of Ireland.

Last year the number increased to 16 Ministers and the Taoiseach. While this year 19 Ministers and Junior Ministers as well as the Taoiseach will travel overseas to events in 21 countries.


There will also be 150 business events and 30 high-level political meetings at the same time.

Enda Kenny will make the annual visit to the White House in Washington to meet the US President Barack Obama. The Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore will also be in the US capital.

North America seen as "key target"

As part of the events Ministers Phil Hogan, Pat Rabbitte and Joan Burton will also be America while Minister James Reilly will be in London.

Elsewhere Richard Bruton will travel to Germany, Alan Shatter is in Lebanon while Leo Varadkar and Ruairi Quinn are in the Far East.

It is estimated that it is costing €4,500 each to send a Minister abroad for St. Patrick's Day.

Launching the Promote Ireland programme the Tánaiste said "As our number-one export market and the source of 80 percent of all foreign direct investment to Ireland, North America was a key target for us in devising this year’s ministerial travel programme".

"I look forward to working with our Embassy network and the state agencies, Enterprise Ireland, the IDA, Tourism Ireland and Bord Bia, to help promote trade, tourism and investment-related activity with Ireland. I also look forward to meeting with members of the Irish community abroad, especially members of the Global Irish Network who have supported the Irish economic recovery" he added.

A full breakdown of Ministerial trips is below:

This year will also see more places 'going green' for the day.

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