The Environment Minister says we will get the first indicative charges for water before the local elections. Phil Hogan has told the Dáil this morning that the government business plan will be signed off in the next couple of weeks.
But it will be August before the final figure is fixed after a consultation period.
The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) has previously said it will make a final decision in August about the level of charges households will face.
Minister Hogan says the government is not trying to hide anything until after the May elections.
It is thought Irish Water may be given permission to hike the price of water if demand is lower than expected. The CER is considering the move if it was deemed necessary to meet the costs incurred by the company in running the network.
It has also warned that the water charge may rise in times of drought or other shortages.
But the Department of the Environment has previously said it envisages water charges will be fixed until the middle of 2016.
The CER says it expects to begin a public consultation on the tariff structures in the 2nd quarter of this year.