
Dublin judge slams RTÉ as "freeloaders" with "Godlike personalities"

A judge who presides over TV Licence prosecutions has slammed RTÉ for what he described as eliti...
Faye Curran
Faye Curran

19.03 7 Jul 2023

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Dublin judge slams RTÉ as &quo...

Dublin judge slams RTÉ as "freeloaders" with "Godlike personalities"

Faye Curran
Faye Curran

19.03 7 Jul 2023

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A judge who presides over TV Licence prosecutions has slammed RTÉ for what he described as elitism, while defendants were "crippled with the cost of living".

Today, during a preamble before hearing licence fee cases, Judge Anthony Halpin said he was "disgusted" and "appalled" by the "shenanigans and mischievous activities" carried out by the broadcaster.

Today's list featured 159 prosecutions, and those who are convicted face a fine of up to €1,000 for not paying a TV licence or 2,000 euro for a repeat offence.



"The revelations have rocked the very foundations of the national public broadcaster and have sent, not ripples, but seismic shock waves throughout the organisation," he told the Court.

"I am appalled and disgusted that such clandestine, secretive and dubious goings-on would be the order of the day in respect of arrangements between RTE and the Godlike personalities who seem to be above scrutiny."

Judge Halpin went on to praise the Chairs of the Oireachtas meeting and the respective members for their "sterling work."

"They have a difficult and gruelling task in getting to the truth. George Orwell, in both Animal Farm and 1984, was preoccupied with the way language can be manipulated as an instrument of control," he said.

"There is more work to do."

RTÉ Executives arrive Government Buildings. RTÉ Executives arrive Government Buildings, 29-06-2023. Image: Norma Burke/RollingNews

The judge referred to what he described as "elitism and exclusivity shown and demonstrated by the RTÉ "ruling class" and said the broadcaster's professional standing is now in jeopardy.

"Shame on those who have brought that about ... those freeloaders in RTE who received a loan of cars, who received branded cars free gratis, spouses of RTE who were wined and dined and part-took of events at the expense of RTE, and others who were lavished with such generosity, ought to pay back to the organisation the Euro equivalent of the benefit they received," he said.

"Also, those personalities and senior executives who received unconscionable sums of money should reflect on their position and do the right thing."

Judge Halpin said he was saddened for those "who are crippled with the cost of living, have to swallow this unpalatable pill of the licence fee when they see that such a source of income is squandered and abused."

"I will afford more time to those who need it, and An Post may enter into an arrangement with you to pay by debit mandate or collect stamps so as to help with the expense of the license fee," he said.


Those who agreed to pay their fines were not further convicted.

In the case of no-show defendants, Judge Halpin has limited all the fines to €150 plus an order for €100 toward prosecution costs, giving them an additional three months to pay.

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Dublin Judge Judge Anthony Halpin Rte Scandal

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