All 99 ‘persons of interest’ photos from the Dublin Riots have been removed from the Garda website as nominations have been received for the majority of images.
An Garda Síochána has said that it will now begin validating the nominations received for over 90 of the photos.
The investigation team will consider how to progress and identify the small number of remaining ‘person of interest’ cases.
Gardaí have not commented on the alleged role of any ‘persons of interest’ in the riots but have said their identification does not automatically mean they were criminally involved.

The significant support the investigation received from the public was acknowledged by Gardaí.
The images were published on November 19th, with the goal of identifying individuals to rule them ‘in or out’ of criminal investigations.
Gardaí compiled the photos after analysing over 17,000 hours of CCTV footage.
This is the first time in the history of the Gardaí that a tactic like this has been used on a large scale.
So far, 57 individuals - separate from those identified in the recent Garda photos - have been arrested in connection with the riots, which occurred on November 23rd 2023.