
Quinn: Government awaits teacher union decisions on Croke Park

The Minister for Education has been loudly heckled and shouted down during his address at the Iri...

06.27 2 Apr 2013

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Quinn: Government awaits teach...

Quinn: Government awaits teacher union decisions on Croke Park


06.27 2 Apr 2013

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The Minister for Education has been loudly heckled and shouted down during his address at the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) conference in Cork this morning. But there was no walk out by the hundreds of delegates.

Ruairi Quinn called on members of the INTO to accept the Croke Park 2 proposals.

He said if the government runs its full term he will work with the union to get the best outcome for children and teachers. But he warned that he will not be reckless.


Anger at Croke Park proposals

Around 750 INTO delegates have gathered in Cork to discuss a range of issues. While the Croke Park 2 proposals are not officially on the agenda there is significant opposition to the deal. A number of delegates voiced their anger at the proposals during a private session last night.

Minister Quinn will now travel to the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland (ASTI) conference in Wexford. Last night delegates there voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion calling for a rejection of the Croke Park 2 proposals.

He will address the Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) in Galway tomorrow. Its members have already rejected the deal.

INTO Delegates held up red cards as the Minister called for improvements to literacy and numeracy skills. 

Speaking afterwards, the Minister said the government is waiting to see what will happen with union votes.

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