
Eircom seeking 2,000 redundancies

The firm says the programme is to accelerate a range of cost savings measures. The job losses wil...

18.15 31 Oct 2012

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Eircom seeking 2,000 redundanc...

Eircom seeking 2,000 redundancies


18.15 31 Oct 2012

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The firm says the programme is to accelerate a range of cost savings measures.

The job losses will come on-stream over the next 18 months.

In a statement the group says “This programme will bring eircom in line with the European average for employees and operational costs when benchmarked on cost against its peers”.


It currently employs 5,700 people.

Further changes

Other changes for the company include further modernisation of work practices and consolidation of under-utilised office locations across the country.

It says union representatives have been informed of the announcement.

The company says it intends to begin detailed discussions on the programme shortly.

Herb Hribar is Eircom Group CEO.

“The challenges facing Eircom are significant. They require a fundamental transformation in the way we are organised, the business activities we prioritise and the work practices we have adopted in order to substantially reduce our costs and become more efficient” he said.

“The programme is ambitious but the challenges are not insurmountable”.

“Achieving these cost reductions is vital to providing the organisation with greater flexibility” he added.

Newstalk’s Business Editor Ian Guider has more.

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