
Elections 2024: Fine Gael 'doing better' because I stepped away as leader - Varadkar

Former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he believes his stepping away as party leader helped has helped Fine Gael in the local elections
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.01 8 Jun 2024

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Elections 2024: Fine Gael 'doi...

Elections 2024: Fine Gael 'doing better' because I stepped away as leader - Varadkar

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.01 8 Jun 2024

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Former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he believes stepping away as party leader has helped Fine Gael in the local elections.

Counting is underway around the country with tallies showing Independent candidates doing well.

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are doing much better than many predicted in the locals and will in fact battle each other to emerge as the biggest party.


The Green Party is also doing better than expected in the locals but their two MEPs - Ciaran Cuffe and Grace O'Sullivan - are facing a fight to retain their seats in Brussels.

Sinn Féin does not look like it is going to make the big gains some predicted.

Fine Gael 'having a good day'

Mr Varadkar told Newstalk he believes Simon Harris as Taoiseach has given the party new impetus.

"It's a happy day - loads of the people who are running for election today are people who have canvassed for me, people who supported me," he said.

"It looks like they're doing pretty well; I'm very confident Regina Doherty, for example, is going to be elected to the European Parliament.

"We're having a good day and I do genuinely think - just as was the case five years ago when I was a new leader - the fact that Fine Gael has a new leader has meant we would have done a little bit better today than we might have done if I was still leader".

Deputy Varadkar said the overall numbers should be taken with a pinch of salt.

"Most people didn't vote; only about half of the population voted," he said.

"When the general election comes it's going to be much higher - it'll be in the 60% hitting 70%.

"Nobody can tell what's going to happen in the next general election; by it's very nature we describe [local and European elections] in political science as second order elections.

"European and local elections can give you some indication, sort of, as to the result of a general election but not very much," he added.

Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe waiting for results for the local and European elections in the RDS in Dublin, 8-6-24 Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe waiting for results for the local and European elections in the RDS in Dublin, 8-6-24. Image: Sasko Lazarov/©

Public Expenditure Minister Paschal Donohoe said earlier it is a positive day for Fine Gael as they look likely to have a strong local election performance.

He said a 'Harris Hop' under the new Taoiseach has contributed to that.

"I believe Simon Harris has made a really important and big difference to this campaign," he said.

"At exactly the moment we needed a bit more energy, we need a lift, he supplied it.

"I believe a combination of Simon as party leader, and then the incredible hard work of all our candidates across the country, has provided this result," he added.

The counting of European Parliament ballots will begin on Sunday.

Main image: Fine Gael TD and former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in Newstalk studios, 8-6-24. Image: Newstalk

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Fine Gael Former Taoiseach Leo Varadkar Local Elections Paschal Donohoe

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