
Ella Mills death: Father sets world record to raise funds for charity

Ella Mills (20) was studying at New York's Columbia University when she drowned in the Potomac River near Washington DC in September 2023
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

10.47 27 Aug 2024

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Ella Mills death: Father sets...

Ella Mills death: Father sets world record to raise funds for charity

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

10.47 27 Aug 2024

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A father whose daughter died in a kayaking accident in the US has set an ‘aqua marathon’ world record to raise funds for the charity that helped repatriate her body back to Ireland.

Ella Mills (20) was studying at New York's Columbia University as part of her English programme at Trinity College Dublin when she drowned in the Potomac River near Washington DC in September 2023.

Over the weekend, her father Ralph Mills set a new world-record by running a full marathon in a Dublin swimming pool to raise funds for The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust.



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Mr Mills told Newstalk Breakfast the family ran into problems getting Ella's body home after her tragic death.

"On the surface it should have been relatively straight forward," he said.

"It's the US, she died in the administrative capital, she was fully insured, we had a lot of help from Columbia University and the liaison based in Washington was incredible.

"I was at home looking after the twins, who were 14 years old at the time, and [her mother] Jo-Ann went over with her sister.

"Even with all that in her favour, it was just a Kafkaesque experience - a nightmare.

"I can only imagine families who lose loved ones in more contentious circumstances or more difficult to reach places in the world."

Ella Mills Ella Mills. Image: Sutton Park School

Mr Mills said the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust stepped in to help.

"People were suggesting that, if we had any trouble, these people have the expertise because they've been doing it for a number of years," he said.

"They've been helping with the financial burden and just with the logistical problems of bringing a loved one home".

Mr Mills said the aqua marathon saw him complete 844 lengths of a Dublin swimming pool.

"You're running up and down a swimming pool, it has to be a constant depth," he said.

"You just keep running up and down for as long as it takes - it was 844 lengths [of a 50m pool].

"It's a bit like the Everest thing - I chose that because it was there.

"I'd been in conversation with someone who asked if there's any way we wanted to help fundraise The Kevin Bell Trust.

"I was plodding up and down the pool one day thinking if there's anything in this that could be done.

"I went on to the Guinness World Record site and found the record existed, it had been acknowledged, but it was unclaimed".

Ralph and his daughter Ella Mills. Image: Supplied.

Mr Mills said the date of the event "coincidentally was the anniversary of the day we dropped Ella off in New York and said goodbye to her".

Remembering Ella, Mr Mills said their time with her was 'utterly joyful'.

"Everyone's child is deeply special but there was something incredible about Ella," he said.

"She was about the smartest person I've ever met.

"The first child will teach the parents how to be parents and she gave us the most wonderful lesson.

"It was utterly joyful, our time with her".

Ralph Mills (centre) with Newstalk Breakfast hosts Shane Coleman and Ciara Kelly, 27-8-24. Ralph Mills (centre) with Newstalk Breakfast hosts Shane Coleman and Ciara Kelly, 27-8-24. Image: Newstalk

Mr Mills said his daughter was always curious about the world around her.

"She was determined, focused, she always wanted to peel away the layers and see what's underneath," he said

"She wasn't satisfied with a standard answer - she had this incredible intellectual curiosity.

"You really couldn't meet her without thinking one day she'll make a huge impact on the world," he added.

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People can still donate to the GoFundMe page here

Main image: Ralph Mills during his record-breaking aqua marathon in Dublin, 25-8-24. Image: Facebook/Ralph Mills

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Columbia University Ella Mills GoFundMe Guinness World Record Newstalk Breakfast Ralph Mills The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust Washington DC

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