
Enda Kenny confident he will lead the coalition back into government

The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has dismissed claims that he could be replaced as Fine Gael leader befor...

07.10 6 Dec 2014

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Enda Kenny confident he will l...

Enda Kenny confident he will lead the coalition back into government


07.10 6 Dec 2014

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The Taoiseach Enda Kenny has dismissed claims that he could be replaced as Fine Gael leader before the next election.

Mr Kenny says he is confident of winning over the public - despite opinion polls giving him his lowest rating ever.

The latest Irish Times poll gives Fine Gael just 19% support, which is its lowest rating since Mr Kenny took over.


Labour are on 6%, down three since the last poll.

Sinn Féin are the country's second most popular party at 22%, but they are down on the last poll too - while Fianna Fáil buck the trend and are up one point to 21%.

Independents/Others have surged in support, increasing their share by 9 points in this poll to reach 32%.

But Mr Kenny says he is going nowhere and is preparing to lead Fine Gael and Labour back into government.

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