
Taoiseach and ministers respond to criticism of Irish Water

The Taoiseach Enda Kenny and several Cabinet ministers have responded to criticism of Irish Water...

11.11 7 Oct 2014

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Taoiseach and ministers respon...

Taoiseach and ministers respond to criticism of Irish Water


11.11 7 Oct 2014

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The Taoiseach Enda Kenny and several Cabinet ministers have responded to criticism of Irish Water by former Junior Minister Fergus O'Dowd.

Mr Kenny was reacting to an article by the former minister of state in today's Irish Independent. Mr O'Dowd stated in the article that Irish Water has 'abjectly failed' in its approach to introducing water charges.

He accused Irish Water of coming across as uncaring and arrogant, and of failing to sell the message of why water charges are necessary.


Speaking on his way into Cabinet this morning, Mr Kenny said he thinks Mr O'Dowd was just making the point that there is a need for constant engagement with people in relation to Irish Water:

Meanwhile the Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan says Irish Water must be more customer-friendly.

He says the public must be as well-informed about the charges as much as possible:

And the Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has echoed those comments:

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