Sinn Féin’s new housing proposal is not a “silver bullet” but a fully developed plan for the future of Ireland, according to Eoin Ó Broin.
The leading opposition party launched a ‘Home of Your Own’ last Monday, promising to deliver 300,000 homes over five years if elected to Government.
The party describes it as a radical alternative to the government’s current housing strategy, insisting it will bring home ownership back into the reach of working people.
Speaking on The Anton Savage Show today, housing spokesperson Eoin Ó Broin said the plan is “hugely ambitious” - but only because it has to be.
“There are no silver bullets in housing,” he said. “But what there is are policy choices.
“We've had broadly speaking, the same set of policies been implemented by Fianna Fáil and Fianna Gael governments over the last number of decades.
“What they have delivered is high house prices, high rents, high homelessness and sluggish delivery, both of public and private housing.”
Sinn Féin previously promised to build 50,000 houses a year but increased this to 60,000 in their new plan.

Deputy Ó Broin said this is because of increasing population and demand.
“As each year passes under this Government and its predecessor, and when they don't deliver, then the total number of new homes that are required is needed,” he said.
“But I think what's really important about the Housing Commission's report nobody is before had been asked to look at this issue of unmet demand.
“For the very first time, we have an independent assessment, not just of the total number of new homes that are required to meet emerging population growth, but also that deficit.”
Sinn Féin housing plan
Deputy Ó Broin also wants to establish a ‘housing supply oversight executive’ including groups such as Uisce Eireann and the National Transport Authority.
According to the plan, the State would contract private building contractors to provide more housing, as well as some “public construction”.
“But really, at the heart of this, this is about delivering tens of thousands of affordable homes, bringing home ownership back into the reach of working people,” Deputy Ó Broin said.
“It's really ambitious on the public housing side, social affordable housing, including affordable homes to purchase.”
He noted the Government and local authorities will retain ownership of the land a house is built on in order to keep the price of the house cheaper.
He clarified, however, that there is no “shared equity” for the house and the residents will “legally own” their home