
Fear National Children’s Hospital's €2.2 billion cost could increase again

Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway said he is not confident the Oireachtas Health Committee will get the information they need.

06.41 25 Sep 2024

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Fear National Children’s Hospi...

Fear National Children’s Hospital's €2.2 billion cost could increase again


06.41 25 Sep 2024

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The new National Children’s Hospital’s €2.2 billion price tag might grow even further, a member of the Oireachtas Health Committee has warned. 

The Chief Executive of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board will appear before the committee today and outline why construction company BAM has moved its completion date 14 times in the past four years.

David Gunning will also tell the committee the approach being taken by BAM shows complete disregard for sick children, young people and their families.


Committee member Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway said he was not confident the committee will get all the information they need.

“We need to know when this facility will be opened so sick children in Ireland can be cared for in a facility where they deserve to be cared for,” he said. 

“Where are the spiralling costs going to end? Serious questions have to be asked. 

“I’m hopeful that we’ll get some answers; am I confident? I am but I’m hopeful.” 

The National Children's Hospital. The National Children's Hospital. 25/09/24. Picture by: Q4 Public Relations.

Senator Conway said the public deserve to know how much more of their money might need to be spent on extra construction costs. 

“We need to find out in granular detail exactly what’s happened, how much this has overrun so far and what is it likely to overrun,” he said. 

“We’re told figures of €2.24 billion, will it stop at that and what is the worst case scenario.” 

Last week, the Government announced the opening of the National Children’s Hospital had been delayed again with 2026 a possible opening date.

Main image: The National Children's Hospital. Picture by: Q4 Public Relations.

Reporting by Alan Cantwell and James Wilson. 

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