Fianna Fail says the abolition of the Seanad would simply result in greater power for the government. The party is today launching a campaign calling on people to vote No in the upcoming referendum.
Fianna Fail is to spend €80,000 erecting 4,000 posters nationwide and distributing one million leaflets.
It has also been revealed that the Referendum Commission has been given €3.3 million for an information campaign on the upcoming referendums.
Two million guides are to be sent to homes around the country, while voters can check the electoral register through Facebook.
The proposals to abolish the Seanad and to set up a new Court of Appeal will be voted on Friday October 4th.
The Chairperson of the Referendum Commission has said she does not believe the full budget will be spent.
Meanwhile the leader of the Fianna Fail party Micheal Martin wants the Upper House retained and reformed to ensure sufficient parliamentary scrutiny of legislation.