
Fine Gael leads by five points in latest poll

Sinn Féin has fallen two points to 18%.
Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

09.44 15 Sep 2024

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Fine Gael leads by five points...

Fine Gael leads by five points in latest poll

Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

09.44 15 Sep 2024

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Fine Gael is now in a five-point lead as the most popular political party in Ireland.

The latest Red C poll from the Business Post out today has the Taoiseach’s party at 23%, up 2% from the previous poll.

Sinn Féin has fallen two points to 18%, despite the publication of its housing plan last week.


Support for Fianna Fáil has fallen by a point, with Micheál Martin’s party now level with Sinn Féin at 18%.

Here’s where all the political parties rank:

  • Fine Gael: 23% (+2%)
  • Sinn Féin: 18% (-2%)
  • Fianna Fáil: 18% (-1%)
  • Independents: 15% (n/a)
  • Social Democrats: 6% (+1%)
  • Labour Party: 4% (+1%)
  • Green Party: 4% (-1%)
  • Independent Ireland: 4% (-1%)
  • People Before Profit/Solidarity: 3% (n/a)
  • Aontú: 4% (+1%)

Meanwhile, 65% of respondents feel the Government should use any windfall tax revenues for another winter cost of living package.

Only 19% feel the money should be used to save for future needs.

Voters clearly favour abolishing the USC, with 49% supporting its removal compared to just 22% who prefer raising the entry point for the higher tax rate.

Bank executives

A strong majority of 60% oppose any relaxation of the pay cap for senior bank executives.

Only 18% support easing the cap, while the remainder were either neutral or unsure.

The poll interviewed a random sample of 1,004 people across the country between September 5th and 6th.

Main image: Taoiseach Simon Harris speaking at Government Buildings, 26-8-24. Image: Leon Farrell/©

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Business Post Fianna Fáil Fine Gael Poll RED C Sinn Fein

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