Fine Gael TDs have warned of the risk of a second election - saying it could be easier for both government and opposition if the Dáil was reformed.
The party has published its plans for a reformed chamber, which would give opposition TDs a greater chance of passing legislation.
TDs say the changes should suit all parties because it makes it easier to reach decisions by consensus.
Cork East TD David Stanton says a reformed Dáil and a stable government go hand in hand:
“The House’s of the Oireachtas needs a stable Government in order to plan ahead and do its business properly.
“We need to be able to look ahead for two years or more. There are lots of challenges coming down the tracks nationally and internationally we have to deal with.
“Unless this place in here is working properly, these challenges can’t be met. One of the things we are trying to do now is bring forward reforms to make it work more efficiently and better,” added Stanton.
The Party’s other proposal for Oireachtas reform includes measures to relax the party whip, provide more technical groups and to extend the time allowed for leader’s questions.
It would also call for an immediate Dáil vote if the government tries to guillotine or rush through legislation without a debate.
Political parties have been calling for reforms to the Dáil before any new government is formed.
Along with TDs Regina Doherty and Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, Deputy Eoghan Murphy explained the party's three-tier approach to reform:
"The three tiers of this programme consist of priority reforms, necessary reforms and further reforms that we would like to see pursued."
The second tier contains nine reforms the party wishes to introduce in the next 100 days. These include the introduction of an Independent Fiscal and Budget Office to cost all manifestos and budget proposals, as well as additional time for Oireachteas committees.
As part of the final tier, Fine Gael wishes to "progress a Citizens’ Assembly and Electoral Commission," according to Deputy Corcoran Kennedy.