A five-year-old boy's run as Mayor in a tiny Minesota town has come to an end.
Robert Tufts lost his bid for a third consecutive term as mayor of Dorset, Minesota, to 16-year-old Eric Mueller last week.
"It was fun, but it's time to pass on the vote," Robert told The Associated Press.
Robert was first elected as mayor when he was just three years old in 2013 and is looking forward to some time off from his political career.
During his time in office, Robert declared ice-cream was on top of the food pyramid but also helped raise money for the Ronald McDonald Charities of the Red River Valley.
While his time as mayor may be over, Robert hopes that his political ambitions run in the family and his younger brother, James might one day follow suit.
"I'm gonna let James do it. He's two," he told the Associated Press.
Jeff Baenen
The town of Dorset, about 150 miles northwest of Minneapolis and has no formal city government. It has a population ranging from just nine to 28 people.