
Flu outbreak: Visitor restrictions in Cork University Hospital

Cork University Hospital has introduced visitor restrictions, due to a flu outbreak in the Hospit...

20.22 19 Feb 2014

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Flu outbreak: Visitor restrict...

Flu outbreak: Visitor restrictions in Cork University Hospital


20.22 19 Feb 2014

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Cork University Hospital has introduced visitor restrictions, due to a flu outbreak in the Hospital.

A statement from the HSE says restrictions have been put in place in the interest of patient care and in order to curb the spread of the illness.

Each patient will be allowed one named visitor each day - and no children are allowed to visit.


Dr Mike Henry, Consultant Respiratory Physician CUH, said, “In the interest of our patients we would appeal to people not to visit CUH during this time.

The flu virus is highly contagious and can seriously affect patients who are already sick in hospital."

Anyone with any queries about visiting times or visiting a particular ward should ring the Hospital in advance on Tel: 021 4922000.

Further information on influenza and flu vaccine are available from the HPSC.


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