Flu’s, colds and general sickness is doing the rounds so we’ve had a look at what we can do to try to prevent this.
We asked what are the best foods you should eat in winter to keep you feeling on top form and here’s what we found:
style="color: #ff0000;">Best Winter Food #1: Oatmeal
What it does: Helps you avoid the winter blues
Why it works: Sunlight signals your body to produce the feel-good hormone serotonin, so winter’s short, dark days may leave you in a less-than-cheery mood. If the doldrums persist, you may even find yourself suffering a serious form of depression known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Whole grain carbs like oatmeal can give your winter mood a much-needed boost. Refined carbs like doughnuts and white bread can be tempting winter comforts, but these foods will cause your blood sugar to quickly spike then plummet, leaving you in worse spirits than you were before.
Other mood-improving foods: Whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole grain cereals, fruit
style="color: #ff0000;">Best Winter Food #2: Walnuts
What it does: Keeps your skin from drying out
Why it works: The winter months bring drier air which can suck the moisture out of your skin, leaving it dull, tight, and itchy. Applying moisturizer can help, but the omega-3 fatty acids found in foods like walnuts will combat your dry-skin problem from the inside. Omega-3s help maintain healthy cell membranes, including those found in your skin. When your skin cells are strong they are better able to retain moisture, helping your skin avoid a reptilian fate.
Other skin-saving foods: Salmon, flaxseed, olive oil, tuna
style="color: #ff0000;">Best Winter Food #3: Garlic
What it does: Wards off cold and flu viruses
Why it works: British researchers recently discovered that garlic may prevent you from getting sick. In the 12-week study of 164 healthy adults, the group of participants that received a garlic supplement reported only 24 colds, while the group that received a placebo reported 64 colds. One explanation is a chemical in garlic called allicin, which may stimulate the production of infection-fighting white blood cells. Whatever the reason, adding garlic to your meals may help you stay above the weather. Just don’t eat too much””you want to keep disease at bay, not your friends and family.
Other virus-blasting foods: Carrots, yogurt, oysters.
style="color: #ff0000;">Best Winter Food #4: Butternut Squash
What it does: Prevents weight gain
Why it works: Fiber-rich foods, like butternut squash, contain relatively low calories, and they’re digested more slowly, keeping you full long after you eat them””an important defense against the season of overindulgence. With about 9 grams of fiber per one-cup serving, eating butternut squash is a great way to load up on fiber and prevent post-holiday eaters remorse. It is also loaded with carotenes, which have been shown to reduce the risk of a variety of diseases from cancer to heart disease.
Other weight-loss foods: Artichokes, raspberries, whole grains, legumes
style="color: #ff0000;">Best Winter Food #6: Chicken Soup
What it does: Helps you breathe easy
Why it works: Chicken soup has long been touted at the best home remedy for cold and flu season, and it really can help. Hot liquids temporarily clear your sinuses, and a study found that chicken soup may even reduce inflammation in your nose and throat. Plus, most chicken soups are low in calories and saturated fat, and high in fiber. For the healthiest version, try making the soup yourself with plenty of veggies and whole wheat noodles.
Other sinus-clearing foods: Tea, coffee, any broth-based soup.
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