
Former TD Jackie Healy-Rae dies

Former TD Jackie Healy-Rae has passed away. Born in Kilgarvan, County Kerry, in 1931, he died age...

15.06 5 Dec 2014

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Former TD Jackie Healy-Rae die...

Former TD Jackie Healy-Rae dies


15.06 5 Dec 2014

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Former TD Jackie Healy-Rae has passed away.

Born in Kilgarvan, County Kerry, in 1931, he died age 83.

Healy-Rae served as a TD for Kerry South from 1997 to 2011.


His family been maintaining a vigil at his hospital bedside since he took ill last month.

Traditionally a Fianna Fáil man, serving as councillor and election organiser for close to three decades, he chose to break from the party in 1997, when he failed in his bid to get a party nomination to stand for for a Dáil seat. He chose to stand as an Independent. He won the seat and held it for the next 14 years. During that time his vote would prove a weighted bargaining chip for his constituency, securing funding for a range of projects - from roads to schools and agricultural assistance programmes - from governments looking for his backing in the Dáil.

Along with his trademark cap, his colourful speeches marked him out amongst his colleagues in the Dáil. In 2007 he offered these words of reassurance to his constituency colleague John O'Donoghue, then serving as Ceann Comhairle of the Dáil.

In 2011 he stepped down from his post to allow his son, Michael, succeed him as TD.

Healy-Rae agreed a deal to vote for Bertie Ahern as Taoiseach. He repeated the feat ten years later, supporting the Fianna Fail - Green Party – Progressive Democrats coalition.

His sons, Michael is currently TD for Kerry South, while his son Danny, and grandson Johnny, are Kerry county councillors.

Healy-Rae had four daughters and two sons.

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