Four men have been convicted of the gang rape of a 23-year-old woman as she travelled on a bus in Delhi. Akshay Kumar Singh, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Mukesh Singh lured the woman and her male friend onto the bus as they returned home from watching a movie last December.
The physiotherapy student was raped and assaulted with an iron bar before she was dumped on the roadside with her friend. She suffered serious internal injuries and died in a Singapore hospital 13 days after the attack.
The brutality of the assault triggered waves of protests across India, with new laws introduced and existing ones amended to give women greater protection. Fast-track courts were also set up to try men accused of sexual crimes.
The conviction of the four men follows an eight-month trial, during which more than 100 people gave evidence. The case had been expected to finish sooner, with defence lawyers accused of using delaying tactics.
The men, who all pleaded not guilty, are expected to be sentenced on Wednesday, when they could be given the death penalty. A defence lawyer for Singh, who was driving the bus in which the woman was attacked, said he will appeal the verdict.
A fifth defendant, Ram Singh, was found hanged in his cell in Delhi's Tihar prison in March. His family and defence lawyers believe he was murdered.
A sixth person, who was a juvenile at the time of the attack, has already been found guilty of murder, rape and kidnapping. He was sentenced to three years in a correction facility - the maximum penalty he could be given.
The parents of the victim, who argue the punishment is too lenient, called for him to be tried as an adult and to be hanged.