The Education Minister has announced that four multi-faith primary schools are to be opened across the country. Ruairi Quinn says new Educate Together schools will open in Tramore, Trim and Malahide this September.
While in Ballina, Co. Mayo discussions are underway to find accommodation for a new school after a transfer was agreed with the Church of Ireland. This follows the agreement of the Church of Ireland Bishop and local parents to a change of patronage.
This development is part of the process of primary school divestment, and follows surveys of parents on patronage choice in some 43 towns.
In addition, Minister Quinn confirmed that the former Scoil San Seamus school building in Basin Lane, Dublin 8 will be in use from September by an Educate Together school, which opened in temporary accommodation last September.
The process is part of the implementation of recommendations from the 2012 report of the Advisory Group to the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector.
Its chairperson, Professor John Coolahan, welcomed the announcement today. "Against the background of the discussions and agreement on the divesting of school patronage at the Forum, the Minister’s announcement is to be warmly welcomed as tangible progress" he said.
"However, it is to be hoped that patrons and school communities will accelerate the divesting process so as to facilitate the provision of schooling for their fellow citizens of other belief systems. While the issues surrounding divesting are sensitive and complex, the outcomes can be a significant contribution to civic well-being and the fostering of mutual respect, as well as a meaningful response to fulfilling the rights of all citizens".
Discussions are continuing on further new primary schools that are expected to open under the divestment process by 2015.
The Education Minister has been criticised by some for "secularising" the school system. But Ruairi Quinn says the new schools will be a better reflection of modern Ireland.