
‘Furious’ Janet Street-Porter accuses Cork business of ‘age discrimination’

In Ireland, drivers over 75 must provide a medical report to renew their license.
Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

15.21 5 Jul 2024

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‘Furious’ Janet Street-Porter...

‘Furious’ Janet Street-Porter accuses Cork business of ‘age discrimination’

Robert Kindregan
Robert Kindregan

15.21 5 Jul 2024

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A leading UK broadcaster and journalist has accused a Cork rental car business of “age discrimination”.

On ITV’s Loose Women this week, 77-year-old Janet Porter said she was left “furious” after recently being refused to rent a car at Cork Airport due to her age.

She was told that those aged 76 and over must have a doctor's letter to prove they are fit to drive, which she did not have.


“To me, that's age discrimination, pure and simple and I was furious; I can drive in Italy, France and Spain - but I can’t in Ireland,” Ms Porter told the show.

On Newstalk Breakfast today, Harvey’s Point Donegal ambassador Noel Cunningham said he’s “absolutely” on the side of the English broadcaster.

“I'm livid because at the end of the day, in Ireland, we can drive in our 70s and we can renew our license,” he said.

“All we have to do is, perhaps as we get sort of into our mid-70s, bring along a certificate from our doctor to say we're perfectly capable of driving

“My mother drove until she was sort of in her 90th year.”

Mr Cunningham said UK driving law is similar to Ireland.

“I think they have to renew their license every three years after a certain age, so the rules are similar to our own – there is certain ageism at work there,” he said.

“Why would a doctor's clearance or a license in Britain be viewed as not exactly legitimate in our country? It's absolute nonsense.

“I mean, Janet Street-Porter, she irritates me beyond words sometimes with her opinionated stance.

“But she's super fit, she's an incredible lady and she would have done everything right.”


Mr Cunningham said regulations must be adhered to.

“If you’re in Britain and Ireland, the regulations are very clear,” he said

“If you are impaired in any way, you have to sort of become part of a system where checks are done before licenses are issued.

“I respect completely that sometimes sort of staff in any situation might be a little bit fuzzy about what the exact situation is with regard to such serious matters.

“But there is no way somebody who comes in with a valid driving license should be refused a car they’ve already booked.”

In Ireland, road users must supply a medical report when renewing their license beyond the age of 75.

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Age Discrimination Driving License Janet Street Porter Newstalk Breakfast Noel Cunningham

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