
Gardaí assaulted during house search

  Two Gardaí have been assaulted and a patrol car was rammed during the search of a h...

08.45 19 May 2013

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 Gardaí assaulted during house...

Gardaí assaulted during house search


08.45 19 May 2013

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Two Gardaí have been assaulted and a patrol car was rammed during the search of a house in Lucan in West Dublin.

Gardaí found 48 thousand euro worth of heroin, in the search of a property in Meile an Rí, off Balgaddy Lane in Lucan, around 6.45 yesterday evening.


During the search, the two Gardaí received injuries to the head and hands and were treated in Tallaght hospital.

They have been released from hospital this morning.

A 16 year old boy was arrested in connection with the incident, and later released.

A file is now being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

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