
Garda association pulls out of Croke Park talks

The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has decided to pull out of the latest ro...

16.12 25 Jan 2013

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Garda association pulls out of...

Garda association pulls out of Croke Park talks


16.12 25 Jan 2013

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The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI) has decided to pull out of the latest round of public sector pay talks.

It says cuts to premium and Sunday pay and allowances are unacceptable.

Fianna Fáil Justice Spokesperson Niall Collins has said the AGSI decision to withdraw "must act as a wake-up call" for the Justice Minister Alan Shatter.


"It is further evidence of the increasing arrogance we see from Minister Shatter as presides over an unprecedented dismantling of our garda force" he said.

"He cannot continue to dismiss the genuine concerns of gardaí and of communities".

"He needs to curb his enthusiasm for demonising and dismissing those who disagree with him, and start recognising the damaging impact of the cuts he has handed down" he continued.

Calls for AGSI to return to talks

However Mr. Collins is also calling on the AGSI to re-enter the negotiations.

"Its members will be best served by the organisation being at the table as decisions are made that will affect their future" he added.

John Redmond is General-Secretary of the AGSI.

He says they will not be involved in Croke Park talks while pay and allowances are on the table.

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