
Report finds 'widespread breaches' in administering of penalty points

A new report says there were consistent and widespread breaches of the penalty points system. The...

06.28 12 Mar 2014

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Report finds 'widespre...

Report finds 'widespread breaches' in administering of penalty points


06.28 12 Mar 2014

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A new report says there were consistent and widespread breaches of the penalty points system. The Garda Inspectorate review of previous investigations has recommended that the cancellation of penalty points now be centralised away from officers around the country.

The Justice Minister Alan Shatter is promising full implementation of the recommendations.

The Garda Inspectorate says it could not find any meaningful evidence of consistent quality management supervision of the cancellation process, either at Garda Headquarters, regional, divisional, district or any level.


The Inspectorate says there were widespread discrepancies on how penalty points are cancelled.

It makes 37 recommendations - among them the centralisation of cancellation at the fixed charge processing office. Gardai are being given six weeks to prepare a manual for all officers on the penalty points system.

It says there needs to be regular audits of the system, and says pre-barcoded notebooks need to be implemented for recording and serving notices of penalty points.

In a statement, Justice Minister Alan Shatter promises full implementation of the 37 recommendations, but makes no mention of the whistleblowers who brought the deficiencies to light in the first place.

The garda whistleblower, John Wilson, is looking for an apology from the Taoiseach and the Justice Minister over the matter.

Read the full report here

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