Despite many parties having promised to increase Garda numbers, an internal review has found that this will not be possible under the current recruitment system.
The Sunday Times revealed that the review – which has yet to be published - cited delays in processing applications, inadequate salaries and less competitive employment conditions are huge deterrents.
As a result, overall numbers are not expected to see large increases in the coming years.
On Newstalk Breakfast, president of the Garda Representative Association (GRA) Mark O'Meara said he is not surprised by these findings.
Mr O’Meara said increasing the Garda pension allowance is key to improving the recruitment and retention crisis.
"You can't have somebody – when you've increased an age threshold to enter An Garda Síochána to 50 years of age – to be expected to enter on €350 per week when they may already have commitments to family and so on,” he said.

According to Mr O’Meara, changes to the pension scheme from 2013 make the job especially unattractive.
“Those who come in after 2013 actually are only on a pension which is less than the state pension,” he said.
“They do not qualify for the state pension when they come to full retirement.
“So, it may not appear to be an attractive job - when there we are in a situation where the job is in a crisis for recruitment and retention, the answer is to make it more attractive.”
Key actions
Mr O’Meara said the GRA has identified multiple key actions that could be taken to improve employment conditions.
“We are looking for an immediate increase in the Garda training allowance, to €35,000 per year – €673 per week,” he said.
“So, that's about 80% of the first points on the pay scale that we've always sought.
“There has also been a promise made for double the current allowance over a five year period.
“We believe that that needs to be done now, because the problem in crisis is now.”
According to Mr O’Meara, allowances for members attached to large urban centres would also be a huge incentive.
Fianna Fáil has pledged to recruit 5,000 new officers, Fine Gael has proposed another 6,000 and Sinn Féin has set a target of 16,000 Gardaí.
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