
Gardaí contact LGBTQ groups after claim men were 'hunted' with knives

Gardaí have made contact with LGBTQ advocacy groups, after reports that a gang armed with knives chased after three gay men in Phoenix Park.
James Wilson
James Wilson

07.13 20 Jun 2024

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Gardaí contact LGBTQ groups af...

Gardaí contact LGBTQ groups after claim men were 'hunted' with knives

James Wilson
James Wilson

07.13 20 Jun 2024

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Gardaí have made contact with LGBTQ advocacy groups, after reports that a gang armed with knives chased after three gay men in Dublin's Phoenix Park on Monday. 

The incident was raised in the Seanad yesterday during its annual Pride debate, when Fine Gael Senator Barry Ward reported one of the men had contacted him about the alleged attack. 

Senator Ward said the claim underlined the need for “at least” more patrols in the park and said he “far too regularly” heard reports of people being attacked or abused because of their sexuality. 


"These guys were just walking through the park and were chased by six men," he said.

"What on earth is going on that this still happens in Ireland in 2024 when every right thinking member of society recognised the normality of sexual relationships between people of the same gender or same sex?

"What is going on that we are not tackling this? What is going on that we do not have Gardaí in the park?"

The Wellington Monument located in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, Ireland The Wellington Monument in the Phoenix Park, Dublin.

Following Senator Ward's speeh, Fianna Fáil Senator Fiona O'Loughlin described it as a "shocking" to hear about.

"We have changed our legislation," she said.

"Unfortunately, there are people who have not changed their minds and hearts.

"That is what we need to work on... We have a big task in society and we have to do what we can."

Gardaí said they are aware of an alleged incident but added that no formal report has been made to them. 

Main image: Phoenix Park, Dublin. 

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