
Gasps in court as photo of Reeva's body shown at Pistorius trial

There have been gasps in court as images of Reeva Steenkamp's body were briefly shown during Osca...

11.37 13 Mar 2014

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Gasps in court as photo of Ree...

Gasps in court as photo of Reeva's body shown at Pistorius trial


11.37 13 Mar 2014

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There have been gasps in court as images of Reeva Steenkamp's body were briefly shown during Oscar Pistorius' murder trial. Various photographs were being scrolled through on screen by the defence team when several distressing images were briefly shown to the court.

Reporter Alex Crawford, who is in court, said "As defence lawyer Barry Roux was flicking through various photographs of the saw very close-up pictures of Reeva Steenkamp. Close-ups of her skull, body and her various injuries".

"This caused quite a stir in court. It led to gasps from a number of people inside".


Pistorius began retching and coughing, and was handed a green bucket in which to be sick. Earlier, the court heard how a box of watches belonging to Pistorius went missing during the crime scene examination.

The millionaire Paralympic athlete had a "little box" containing the watches, which has disappeared and never been found. The issue was raised by Mr. Roux, who is trying to undermine the credibility of the police investigation.

He spent the morning repeatedly challenging police forensic expert Johannes Vermuelen.

On Wednesday, Mr. Vermuelen told the court Pistorius was on his stumps when he smashed down a locked toilet door to reach his shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. That contradicted Pistorius' previous claims he put on his prostheses before smashing down the door.

Thursday's evidence started with Mr. Roux asking for Mr. Vermuelen's phone records from overnight, suggesting he may have consulted people ahead of giving his testimony.

He was then asked about missing splinters from Pistorius' bathroom door, through which he shot Ms. Steenkamp.

He said he asked a colleague about the missing splinters, but repeatedly said he "couldn't remember" who he spoke to.

Mr. Vermuelen also admitted he did not examine the door for evidence Pistorius had kicked it with his prosthetic leg. A footprint would show he was wearing his legs at some point.

Reporter Alex Crawford said "This was such a drubbing of Vermuelen, it was like watching a blood sport".

On top of the premeditated murder allegation, Pistorius faces a charge of illegally possessing ammunition and two further counts related to shooting a gun in public in two separate incidents before the killing.

He denies all the charges against him and maintains he shot Ms Steenkamp after mistaking her for an intruder. The athlete could face 25 years in jail if he is found guilty by Judge Thokozile Masipa.

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