Not to be outdone by Lisbon’s red man tripping the light fantastic, one German city is turning waiting at the traffic lights into an arcade game.
Street Pong is an initiative in Hildesheim, Lower Saxony, that aims to curb kerbside boredom with the classic 1972 arcade game Pong. The game keeps pedestrians from crossing during a red light by providing them with something to do and showing exactly how long they’ll have to wait.
Attached to the lampposts on either side of the crossing, the game pits two random pedestrians against each other. Using their fingers to control a skateboard in place of the traditional paddle, players use their fingers to stop the ball hitting the bottom of the screen. Check out the game below:
Street Pong was created by students at Hildesheim’s University of Applied Sciences & Arts, and has received the seal of approval from local Mayor Ingo Meyer.
"We are not only very pleased that the innovative idea comes from Hildesheim, but also that it's also been implemented here first," said Mr Meyer.
Over the last month, pedestrians were able to pass the time with Street Pong, while the student designers analysed its success at improving safety. The students say they have already received calls from local authorities in Lyon and Oslo interested in trialling the project themselves.