
Global ranking of Dublin drops 6 places

The ranking of Dublin in the list of the most reputable world cities has fallen 6 places. The Cit...

11.00 28 Sep 2012

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Global ranking of Dublin drops...

Global ranking of Dublin drops 6 places


11.00 28 Sep 2012

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The ranking of Dublin in the list of the most reputable world cities has fallen 6 places.

The City RepTrak survey finds Vancouver in Canada is the city with the best reputation.

Vienna, Austria and Sydney, Australia came 2nd and 3rd respectively.


Dublin has been ranked the 30th most reputable city in the world.

This is down from 24th place last year.

Over 18,874 respondents from across the G8 countries took part in the research.

It measures the degree to which people trust, admire, respect and have an affinity for a city or country.

Dublin scored strongest in the ‘Beautiful City’ category but fell down on the ‘Financially Stable’ section.

The study found Europe dominating the top 10 with 7 cities from this region making the cut.

It says high-ranking cities are dominated by small to medium sized, safe, environmentally friendly and sporty cities.

Mega cities tend to have a harder time contending due to the increased challenging of managing their reputation.

It adds that most cities are able to overcome national associations and build better reputations than their home countries.

The authors also noted that the US city of New York does not make it to the Top 20 as the city is not considered a safe place.

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