
Government criticised for 'excessive spending' on external consultants

The Government is being criticised for 'excessive spending' on external consultants. A Fianna F&a...

18.04 9 Mar 2014

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Government criticised for &...

Government criticised for 'excessive spending' on external consultants


18.04 9 Mar 2014

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The Government is being criticised for 'excessive spending' on external consultants.

A Fianna Fáil Senator has given figures to a Sunday paper claiming more than €160m was paid on outside services over the last three years.

Marc Mc Sharry says this is just the tip of the ice-berg, as the figures only refer to seven of the 16 Government departments - and 14 of the estimated 800 quangos.


The biggest spenders include the Department of Foreign Affairs, Social Protection, The Revenue Commissioners, and Sustainable Energy Ireland.

But Senator Mc Sharry thinks there's no need to look elsewhere for skilled workers:

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