The Taoiseach says 2014 will be the year of jobs as the coalition plans to restore employment to Celtic Tiger levels of more than 2.1 million by 2020.
A new post-bailout economic plan has been unveiled that promises no income tax hikes between now and the end of the decade.
The plan says austerity will end in 2015 but "budgetary rigours" must be maintained.
Finance Minister Michael Noonan says the adjustment target for 2015 remains at €2 billion but there is some material around suggesting it could be less.
Enda Kenny says anything that can be done will be done to help our recovery in the labour market. The government has launched its new medium term economic strategy, "A Strategy for Growth".
The plan begins next year and will see policies up to 2020.
And Enda Kenny says while tough choices remain this is a plan for growth and jobs.
But the opposition is criticising the plan.
Michael McGrath of Fianna Fáil says it offers nothing to struggling homeowners or small and medium enterprises.
While Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty says the track-record of the government on economic plans is not good.