Doctors say a government target of providing free GP visits for all children aged 6 and under by this summer is 'not achievable' given the lack of progress on the issue since the measure was first announced.
The GP Committee of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) is blaming the Heath Service Executive (HSE) and the Department of Health, which it says have presented the plans as a 'fait accompli'.
it says the government must now acknowledge "that it is time to talk to GPs in a meaningful way". It has accused the Minister for Health James Reilly and Minister for Primary Care of seeking to impose "an unworkable contract by diktat on GPs in circumstances where there are no real negotiations".
The IMO adds that there has been widespread negative reaction to the government proposals, and is calling on the Ministers to engage "in meaningful negotiations with the IMO on behalf of GPs".
Committee Chairman Dr. Ray Whalley says the service cannot work without meaningful negotiations but he says the Minister will not engage with them.
He told Newstalk Lunchtime he believes the Health Minister has alienated the very people who he depends on to provide the care.