
GRA may not invite Commissioner to annual conference

The Garda Representative Association (GRA) is to consider the unprecedented move of not inviting ...

11.22 27 Mar 2013

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GRA may not invite Commissione...

GRA may not invite Commissioner to annual conference


11.22 27 Mar 2013

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The Garda Representative Association (GRA) is to consider the unprecedented move of not inviting the Garda Commissioner to its annual conference. The rank and file Garda union has already confirmed that the Justice Minister Alan Shatter will not be invited to attend the event in April.

Around 30 members members of the GRA are staging a protest outside the Office of the Taoiseach today against proposed public sector pay cuts.

They are angry at comments Enda Kenny made on Monday when they say he blamed Gardaí for walking out of pay talks. The GRA insists they were never offered a seat in the negotiations between government and the trade unions.


The organisation which represents 11,200 Gardaí have described the Croke Park II deal as 'blatantly unfair' and argue that Gardaí and nurses are being targeted for cuts.

PJ Stone is the GRA General-Secretary. He says a decision will be taken next week on whether or not to invite Martin Callinan to the meeting in Mayo.

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