
Greta Thunberg arrives in New York after two week voyage

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has anchored off Coney Island in New York after a two-week ...
Michael Staines
Michael Staines

17.22 28 Aug 2019

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Greta Thunberg arrives in New...

Greta Thunberg arrives in New York after two week voyage

Michael Staines
Michael Staines

17.22 28 Aug 2019

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Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has anchored off Coney Island in New York after a two-week voyage across the Atlantic.

The 16-year-old sailed to the US to attend a UN summit on zero emissions.

She was offered a place on the Malizia II racing yacht after refusing to fly due to the carbon emissions caused by planes.


Last week, Ms Thunberg marked the anniversary of the start of her School Strike movement, which has inspired thousands of students around the world to join the climate action movement.

The 18-metre yacht left Plymouth in the UK on August 14th, skippered by Pierre Casiraghi, the son of Monaco's Princess Caroline and round-the-world sailor Boris Herrmann

In a video post on Sunday, Ms Thunberg said they were facing rough conditions with very high waves - and had hit speeds of 30 knots (55.5kph).

This afternoon, the boat completed its 14 day journey and anchored off Coney Island. Ms Thunberg said she planned to come ashore at North Cove Marina as soon as she cleared customs and immigration.

She is set to be welcomed by a flotilla of 17 boats - each bearing one of the 17 sustainable development goals written on their sails.

She will be met by the flotilla near the Statue of Liberty before stepping foot on US soil.

The Malizia II is fitted with solar panels and hydro generators allowing it to cross the Atlantic emission free.

However, the trip has come in for criticism after it emerged that crew would be flying in to New York to take the yacht back to Europe.

A spokesperson for Team Malizia said Ms Thunberg's journey would be climate neutral because the flights would be offset.

Ms Thunberg is attending a UN summit on zero emissions in New York next month.

She is also expected to attend the UN Climate Conference in Chile later this year.

She has said she still does not know how she will get back to Europe.

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Atlantic Climate Change Global Warming Greta Thunberg Malizia II

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