
Twitter - 7 years, 200 million users, 1 billion tweets a week

Twitter is 7 years old today and where most of us would still be learning to ride a bike, Twitter...

16.29 21 Mar 2013

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Twitter - 7 years, 200 million...

Twitter - 7 years, 200 million users, 1 billion tweets a week


16.29 21 Mar 2013

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Twitter is 7 years old today and where most of us would still be learning to ride a bike, Twitter has been changing the world since birth.

The little sprog greeted us in March 2006 when founder Jack Dorsey tweeted this little guy


Now, there are 200 million users in the world and 400 million tweets are sent every day. There were just 3 million useres in 2008 but now it only takes a week for the world to send 1 billion tweets.

The most famous tweet ever sent was by Barack Obama (@BarackObama) whose "Four more years" was retweeted 811,000 times, when he was re-elected to teh White House in November.

And in 2010, we had the first ever tweet from space

Twitter is also credited with playing a major part in the Arab Spring - pro-democracy uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Activists used social media to send their messages to the world. 

Pro-democracy bodies used Twitter as a way to spread news like this:

And who doesn't love some accidental coverage of a major news event? Like how this guy broke the news, without knowing, that American troops had infultrated Osama bin Laden's home. 

He tweeted that since the Taliban probably didn't have helicopters, it must have been a "complicated situation" before wishing he had a large swatter to take the helicopter down to stop the noise - he withdrew the statement in a later tweet.

And Twitter got to a plane crash in the Hudson Bay before anyone else when Janis Krums @jkrums saw this

There's a plane in the Hudson. I'm on the ferry going to pick... on Twitpic

It got over 1,300 retweets. 

Who couldn't wish Twitter a Happy Birthday when it graces us with wonderful randoms like James Cameron at the bottom of the ocean.

The Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest spot on earth. Cameron, director of Titanic, was the first person to reach the trench alone - and the first person to tweet from there too would you believe. 

And let us never forget the wonder of the # - pronounced hashtag.Born in 2007, this lovely feature has allowed poeple to come together in celebration, despair or incredulity.

#promnight let us stay up late into the night as we witnessed the government say goodbye to promissory notes and hello to government bonds.  

And in an ironic twist of the internet taking over a debate on the internet, #oirscom let us follow the government on their journey into the unkown. 

Happiest of birthdays to you Twitter, you can blow out your #'s now. 


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