
Taoiseach pledges to help Irish woman trapped in Dubai after alleged attack in her home

Tori Towey says she tried to take her own life after being injured in an attack at her home in the UAE capital.
James Wilson
James Wilson

21.57 9 Jul 2024

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Taoiseach pledges to help Iris...

Taoiseach pledges to help Irish woman trapped in Dubai after alleged attack in her home

James Wilson
James Wilson

21.57 9 Jul 2024

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The Government has promised to intervene in the case of an Irish woman, charged with attempting suicide in Dubai.

Tori Towey, who works in the United Arab Emirates as an airline cabin crew member, says she tried to take her own life after being injured in an attack at her home. 

The 28-year-old, who is from Boyle in County Roscommon, is due in court before the end of the month. 


Her case was raised in the Dáil this afternoon, by Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald, who called on the Taoiseach to intervene.

“Unfortunately now, Tori faces charges in Dubai of attempted suicide and the abuse of alcohol,” Deputy McDonald told TDs. 

“The system over there, rather than protecting this woman who is an Irish citizen chose instead to detain her [and] to charge her. 

“She’s now under the most incredible stress. 

“Leas Ceann Comhairle, I spoke to her this afternoon and her mother Caroline has travelled to be with her.”   

In response, Simon Harris thanked the Sinn Féin leader for raising the case with him and said he would try and help Ms Towey. 

“[I will see] how we can intervene and support an Irish citizen in what sounds to be, based on what you’ve told me, the most of appalling circumstances,” he said.  

“If you’d like to engage with me on it, I’m happy to engage with you directly on it.

“Thank you for bringing it to my attention.”

Ms Towey is currently banned from leaving Dubai. 

Main image: Tori Towey

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Dubai Link In Bio Tori Towey Violence Against Women

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