The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is due to announce later whether it will investigate the death of Savita Halappanavar.
The HSE made the request of HIQA yesterday, although it insists its own investigation into Savita's death last month will proceed, with its Chief Executive designate saying he believes it would be 'criminally negligent' to stop it now.
HIQA discussed the issue at a board meeting yesterday, which is set to continue later, and a statement's expected afterwards.
The Health watchdog's inquiries are usually carried out in private and do not involve witnesses giving statements under oath.
Health Minister James Reilly has welcomed HIQA's involvement.
Meanwhile, ahead of the expert group on abortion's report going before the cabinet next week, reports today claim it doesn't point out how Ireland's existing laws could allow regulation for the X case.
However, according to the Irish Independent, the report doesn't specify either whether new legislation is definitely needed.