
Here's why your egg choice says a lot about you

Have you ever noticed that one friend is a dedicated fried egg connoisseur, while another won&rsq...

15.44 10 Oct 2014

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Here's why your egg ch...

Here's why your egg choice says a lot about you


15.44 10 Oct 2014

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Have you ever noticed that one friend is a dedicated fried egg connoisseur, while another won’t entertain anything less than poached? Or maybe one sibling took the time to make an omelette while another was a no fuss boiled egg type? Was it a simple preference of taste or was there something more fundamental at play?

It turns out that how we take our eggs says a lot about us, and particular personality types are more likely to be fans of one style of egg cookery over another. And as it’s World Egg Day (yes, we have that now) Bord Bia have sent us some interesting facts about eggs and what they say about us.

If there's merit to this it could be quite useful, with 85 per cent of the Irish population tucking into eggs at least once a week.


But first, a disclaimer of sorts: Now, we know what you’re thinking - the following may be Friday afternoon pseudo science, or far-fetched egg aggrandising, but even with all of that accounted for we’re willing to wager you - just like us - will be keeping a close eye on the egg choices of those around you over the weekend.

A study by Mindlab International found that your egg preferences can say a lot about you. For instance; lovers of fried eggs, with the sunny side up, tend to be more curious, creative and imaginative, but over easy people are more shy types and creatures of habit. Sunny side up people are also more likely to be the glass half full type.

The study found that if you’re a fan of boiled eggs then you’re more likely to be female and health conscious. As for scramblers? Well they’re generally loyal and conservative folk.

The poacher meanwhile sound an interesting sort – they’re gregarious, energetic, friendly, and can be a perfectionist.

The omelette then is for the inventive but organised. The study found omelette fans were far more likely to be reliable, well-organised and self-disciplined, but with plenty of room from culinary creativity.

Have a look below and maybe see if you can pick out any egg and personality crossovers that suddenly make an awful lot of sense


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